Our company offers safe and effective pest control solutions, including organic options for: mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and ants. We also provide lawn care services, from mowing and weed whacking to spring/fall clean-up and mulching. Our team is dedicated to keeping your family and pets safe while keeping your outdoor space beautiful and pest-free.
Our summers in New England are short. Our hope is to maximize the amount of time you and your loved ones can spend outside this summer. A poll was taken that asked people why they didn't spend as much time as they would like outside. Two of the top four answers were "bugs" and "not wanting to look at the state of their yard". We are passionate about removing these obstacles from your life. Let us give you a free/no hassle quote.
My wife and our five kids live in Winthrop, We have been married for eighteen years and for sixteen of those years we have owned and operated businesses together. In any business we do, we must be convicted that it will help people live more enjoyable lives. Businesses that don't have a conviction to serve will usually fail.
It was a beautiful early summer day in 2022. I got home early in the evening expecting to see my kids playing basketball or riding bikes outside; however, to my surprise, no one was outside on this glorious evening! I walked in the door, and they were all inside playing various electronic games. I asked them why they were inside. Everyone in unison replied "MOSQUITOES and BUGS" Like any Dad I said "c'mon they aren't that bad". I gathered them up and we started to play a game of basketball. Sure enough, it was terrible. We had to come up with a reasonable solution.
For the months following, solving this problem was at the front of my mind. I then began paying attention to my neighbors who had beautiful backyard spaces and expansive front porches. These wonderful spaces were barely being used. They wanted to be outside in these spaces along with their children and pets but the Mosquitoes/bugs were just too overwhelming. Parents seemed frustrated at the amount of time that their kids were spending on electronics. Through my research, all I was hearing was that parents wanted their kids to "get outside and play". We had to come up with a reasonable solution.
As I continued pursuing a solution. I was regularly reminded that this was a worthwhile pursuit. Recently, I was having a conversation with one of my neighbors. He shared with me that in 2022 he was in and out of the hospital for nine months because of a tick bite. It altered his life dramatically. One of our team member's told me that his sister was bit by a tick when they were kids and that bite brought on severe Bell's Palsy that lasted for almost six months. I then started thinking about all of the pets that I knew that had been affected by tick bites. The amount of people and pets I personally knew that were affected was overwhelming.
As I conversed with more people about their experiences with tick bites I realized that this was something that affected so many people. According to the CDC (link below) the data showed that 476,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease every year. This is only one of the three most common tick diseases.
I hope you can now see why NOMO was created. Our mission is to eliminate all of the consequences of these pests from YOUR life.
Take some time to give us a call. See what services are best for you and get a quote in five minutes!
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CDC link: